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Illustration of a team at Omnis UX / UI & Web development agency Illustration of a team at Omnis UX / UI & Web development agency

Physical Store to Online Store

Our goal is to stop the pain that is in your physical store and its high fixed expense for space, equipment, rental, employees, and so on. Another goal is to provide a passive income and profit channel that is a virtual store that sells the products that you have sold physically.


Through our services, you will be able to increase sales on your retail stores due to excellent traffic and sales on your e-commerce online store.

More reasons to choose us
Gold Cup

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    How do We Operate?

    Our first priority is to define business objectives:
    • Check the status of the store including inventory, prices, marketing channels, and existing problems in the organization.
    • Establish goals for your e-commerce business.
    • Construct a one year plan to achieve your business objectives.
    • Assign the work plan to suppliers and staff members for implementation.

    Implementation of Conclusions

    The next step is to implement the conclusions our experts have reached.
    • Characterization of the product
    • Create a smooth user experience
    • Design a smoothly functioning e-commerce site
    • To develop the store application