7 digital marketing tips at a minimal cost

Businesses, large and small alike, are struggling with the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to put our two cents regarding marketing activities at a minimum cost:

1. Write Facebook posts / Instagram stories / Linkedin posts (if your audience is B2B)

It costs you nothing and automatically sets you as a professional authority that provides your audience with added value. If your audience is eager to hear what you have to say - it's a win. Along the way, you also learn new things as a result of short preparatory research you do for the content you're writing.

2. Update your website and add content to the blog

This also usually costs you nothing. Do you have a website? Great. Keep updating it. An up-to-date site shows its audience that its owner really cares about their digital presence and takes their business seriously. The blog should bring added value to the potential readership. At the same time, it is also being indexed by Google and can rank you high with certain quality keywords.

3. Expand your circles

Attend virtual meetups and ZOOM sessions; connect with potential collaborators, service providers, and customers. Producing quality content for them will make them emotionally connect with you more, thus creating an ongoing longterm connection with them. Woman with laptop attending a virtual meetup

4. Update your Google My Business

When a user Googles your business name or category while being located near your business address, a big card with your details will show on the page, recommending potential clients to enter. Make sure you update this with pictures, recommendations, and relevant categories. This too is free.
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    5. Distribute your content in groups

    WhatsApp, Facebook, and any other relevant networks and groups where you can broadcast your content. Check that these groups permit the type of content you create before posting it.

    6. Guest posts

    Write an article to publish in one of your favorite blogs, an article that is related to your content world. There also you'll be positioned as an authority in your field and bring value to the readers in your content. Linking back to your website will increase your rank in Google. This too at no cost.

    7. Do you have a WordPress site?

    Install a plugin called Yoast SEO which will tell you for each post or page what needs to be improved in the content, title, etc. so that Google ranks you higher. Do you have Wix? A wizard will inform you about the general status of the website.


    In times of uncertainty, as we are facing today, making big investments is risky. On the other hand, we can't stop our activities, including marketing activities. We should still drive our business forward. To minimize this risk, we should do what we can at the minimum investment of money and time. At Omnis, we provide grade-A digital marketing services. Give us a call and we'll assist you gladly!


    Digital Marketing

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