The Spark Club

Media Agency Transformation: Rebrand, Design, Develop

For those who do not know Dudi Malitz, he is one of the flagships in the field of public relations and marketing management in Israel. The company's relationship with Dudi is already 4 years old and the organizations have been working continuously for all these years. Dudi approached us and said "I don't want to be the shoemaker who walks barefoot, rebrand me, lift me up, create a website for me based on who the company is today" and that's what we did.


The challenge

We took a business group that hadn't been updated in years, whose marketing processes weren't great at the level of the websites it represented, and turned it into something innovative, bright, young, energetic, conveying the size and status of the company.


The solution

We have created a visual in the style of the GTA game, where all the employees and members of the company are illustrated. Each one introduces a character - Sheriff, Ace, and more - in an illustrated and engaging way that takes you to a different, more innovative world. The group's target audience is startups, innovative, young, and energetic, so this visual is perfect.


What is the graphic cracking that will make a fundamental change between an old and an innovative organization?

In the beginning, it was necessary to think about new names, the process of naming the company, to find all kinds of live names that would fit cool domains, and all this in order to separate the company from the person of Doody, because until today the group was called DM (Dodi Melitz). Spark Club is a lively club, that's what the new marketing company was called.


GTA is not just a game, it's a new world

The chosen design concept is actually a comic motif for all the company's key characters, which gives a platform to all employees, each with its own illustration and a fitting nickname. The logo design is based on the same concept as the character illustration. The site is mainly illustrated to show a company that does not pretend, is equal to startups, and speaks at eye level and in the same language.


Accurate implementation of a complex and challenging design

The high level of design and illustrations, which took hundreds of hours of work to create, challenged the development team to release an accurate product and not damage the experience they had been working on and weaving for a very long time.


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  • 1 Brand Designer

  • 1 UX/UI Designer

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